The DXSPOTS.COM, AE5E’s CC-Cluster, distributes World-Wide DX Spots and WWV Solar Activity announcements via Telnet to DXSPOTS.COM ports 23 or 7300.  AX/IP, AX/UDP and AX/TCP access using BPQ32 is also available.


CC-Cluster Commands


Your questions are likely addressed in the CC-Cluster Commands Listing.


Setting and Viewing Your Filters via Telnet


I would recommend instead using VE7CC’s CC-User Program to access the cluster and configure your filters.  You can set it up so that it acts as a proxy between your logging program and your chosen CC-Cluster.  It provides a lot of benefits, but if you insist upon doing it the hard way, then….


When you connect via Telnet to DXSPOTS.COM Port 23 or 7300 for the first time your filters will be set automatically to:


set/filter k,ve/pass          DX spots only from spotters in K and VE

set/filter dxbm/pass hf       Show HF including 12, 17, and 30 meter spots.


For reasons unknown to me you may also need to explicitly turn off 6 meter spots separately if so desired:


          set/filter dxbm/reject 6-cw,6-ssb,6-fm              Turn off 6 meter spots.


You may view your currently effective filter options by typing: “show/filter”.


You may clear all your filters and receive everything by typing: “set/nofilter”.   After clearing your filters you may restore your filters::


            set/nofilter                  Removes all your filters

set/filter k,ve/pass          DX spots only from ‘spotters’ in K and VE

set/filter dxbm/pass hf       Show HF including 12, 17, and 30 meter spots

set/filter dxbm/reject 6-cw,6-ssb,6-fm              Turn off 6 meter spots

show/filter                    To confirm your settings


The commands must be issued in the sequence shown above in order to be effective!


If you wish add 6 meters to the above you should replace the ‘reject’ command with:


set/filter dxbm/pass hf,6-cw,6-ssb,6-fm Turn on 6 meter spots


Other often used commands:


sh/dx                          Show DX without regard to your filters

sh/mydx                        Show DX using your filters

se/noann                       Stop announcements (many are often annoying!)

se/filter doc/pass K,VE       Only receive spots issued by K and VE stations

se/filter dxcty/reject K,VE   Reject spots of K and VE ‘stations

se/nowwv                       Stop WWV propagation announcements

Se/nowcy                       Stop WCY propagation announcements


Consult the CC-Cluster Commands Listing for the full list.



Sending Test Spots


To verify the system is working you may issue a test spot using the special command DXTEST.  The test spot will echo back only to you, making you a considerate CC-Cluster user!


DXTEST XX1XX 28050.0 A ‘DXTEST’ spot echoes only to me  



Setting and Viewing Your Filters via the CC User Program


VE7CC’s free CC User Program provides a full-featured telnet and packet interface to CC Cluster.  It will display your current filter setup and allow very easy entry of desired changes.  But this is just a small part of its amazing features.  There is a users group at CC Users.

Phonetics List Large(doc) Large(pdf) Small(doc) Small(pdf)

As a CW op I need to refresh my memory of phonetics occasionally!